Downtown Diamonds Visual Basketball Training Aid
The goal of proper basketball training is to help shooters become better scorers.
Did you ever wonder why some basketball players score more than others? It's their EYES
The brain controls movement through precise eye focus on a target to achieve optimal performance, like shooting a basketball. Downtown Diamonds are training tools that help young players shoot better by focusing on the rim's target.
It's Really Simple
It is how we do things on a daily basis. When we try to pick something up, hit a baseball or tennis ball, grab a glass or even eat dinner we look first at the target. That's the principle behind Downtown Diamonds, and it works naturally without effort.
Understanding How and Why Downtown Diamonds Work
Pressing the elevator button requires finding it with your eyes. Similarly, shooting a basketball is easier when the player targets a smaller spot on the rim. Using Downtown Diamonds helps young players improve faster than just being told to look at the rim.
Proper Training Improves Scoring and Player Enjoyment
This player is in nearly perfect upper body position to make her shot. Proper training improves shooting by focusing on the net hanger, positioning the shooting hand and elbow under the ball, and making a proper shot motion. These skills can be learned easier with the help of Downtown Diamonds.
Downtown Diamonds Make All The Difference in the World, Watch Your Kids Play Better and Enjoy The Game So Much More
Downtown Diamonds make youth basketball training easier. It's the essential equipment for players to reach their potential and become productive team members. It helps both the best players get better and average players improve significantly.
All Weather Diamonds - Use a Small Piece of Duct Tape to Make a Permanent Installation on Your Backyard Rim.
Downtown Diamonds are made in the USA and suitable for indoor or outdoor use by boys and girls of all ages. They can be installed on backyard rims for easy access and can remain there all year long. Gyms can also install them on side baskets for all students to improve their game.
Downtown Diamonds focus on teaching scoring, not just shooting. Improve your player's game today and they will be grateful.
Downtown Diamonds help players improve by simply being on the rim, they serve as a helpful, non-instructive coaching assistant.
Building Confidence is Key
Players mature faster with improved shooting and scoring performance, making the game easier and boosting confidence. Downtown Diamonds provide an easy way to make this progress.
Why I Invented Downtown Diamonds
My Shooting Philosophy
Successful basketball shooting requires targeting the rim. Different methods include aiming at the back or center of the rim, or aiming at the net. The front of the rim is considered the most efficient target as it requires proper arc and direction. Good shooting form can still miss if the eyes don't have a specific target. Downtown Diamonds train players to aim precisely at them or at the net hangers, helping players develop quickly and sustainably. Get them for your favorite player.